Gummy Bear Implants: How Are They Different
Breast implants are one of the most studied medical devices in the world and constantly improved upon. The most recent advancement comes in the form of gummy bear breast implants. What makes this breast augmentation option so special?
Gummy bear implants are a tear-drop shaped silicone implant. Consisting of a silicone shell and gel filling, they are similar to other silicone breast implants. However, the silicone gel in a gummy bear implant is cohesive. This cohesive silicone gel is more likely to keep its form over time and likely to keep its shape even in the event of a rupture. Arguably, they provide the most natural-looking and feeling results.
In addition to holding their form better than traditional breast implants, gummy bear implants are less likely to rupture. And, have lower implant complication rates. They have also shown lower capsular contracture rates than saline and other silicone implants.
When considering breast augmentation surgery, it is important to consider your breast implant options. Dr. Sajan will happily help you choose the implants that will best serve your cosmetic goals and anatomy.
To schedule a consultation with Dr. Javad Sajan at Allure Esthetic, call us at 206-209-0988 or contact us online.