Breast Lift Seattle: Will I Need A Breast Lift With Implants?

One of the greatest concerns of many breast augmentation patients is if they will need a lift to achieve their goals. Breast augmentation scars are often easy to hide and can even be away from the breasts. A breast lift, however, requires incisions on the breast that may not be as easy to conceal without clothing. This leads to the common question: will I need a breast lift with implants?
Not every breast augmentation patient will need a lift, and not every breast lift patient will opt for breast implants. In the case of a patient wanting breast implants, depending on their anatomy, they may require a breast lift for the best results. This relies on the amount of breast ptosis you have.
When breast implants are placed in significantly sagging breasts, they may cause the breasts to sag even more. This is why some breast augmentation patients may need a breast lift for the breast lift. The best way to tell this is to consult with a talented plastic surgeon like Dr. Javad Sajan. However, you may be able to identify if you have breast ptosis at home.
If you can hold a pencil the breast crease, this may indicate that you will benefit from a breast lift. Though, it is still best for Dr. Sajan to examine you to determine the best course of action.
To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach us online via our contact form, chat, and Price Simulator™.