Can A Double Chin Be Removed Permanently?

A so-called “double chin” occurs for various reasons including weight loss, aging, and genetics. Many people want to remove their double chin because it may make them look older, contrast with their otherwise slim physique, or have never gone away with natural facial thinning after puberty. Patients end up asking, “Can a double chin be removed permanently?’
In many cases, it is possible to promote permanent results via double chin removal. Depending on the patient’s age, cause of the condition, and anatomy, there are a few different options. For the majority of patients, submental liposuction with helium plasma skin tightening is the best option.
This involves removing the small pocket of stubborn fat and then promoting skin tightening with plasma technology. With small, minimal incisions, this technique is often preferred due to the long lasting nature of the results and how it treats both the skin and fat versus other procedures which usually only treat one or the other.
Other procedures that may also permanently get rid of a double chin include a facelift, neck lift, liposuction, and chin augmentation. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator, chat, or contact form.