Can A Nose Job Make You Look More Feminine?
A rhinoplasty surgery can provide many benefits to patients including improving breathing, straightening the nose, and making it smaller. However, one lesser known possible benefit is the feminization of the face and nose. So, can a nose job make you look more feminine?

Yes, a nose job can contribute to a more feminine appearance for both cisgender and transgender women. When feminizing the nose, a gentle slope is created, which can affect how you look in the side profile. Additionally, a nose job can make the nose smaller and fit a feminine presenting face better.
Rhinoplasty surgery is frequently part of facial feminization surgery for transgender women. While not part of every procedure, it can help balance the newly feminized features. Also, cisgender men interested in rhinoplasty do not need to worry about their nose looking too feminine because this is only a focus for patients interested in a more feminine result.
To learn more and schedule a consultation with Dr. Sajan, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach out online at