Can Liposuction Be Done Awake?

Liposuction is a common procedure that uses light suction to remove and break up small portions of fat. The procedure is minimally invasive and frequently combined with other procedures. Due to it’s simplicity, many patients ask, “Can liposuction be done awake?”
The answer is both yes and no, depending on the specific procedure. Larger liposuction procedures such as lipo 360 or abdominal liposuction should be performed under general anesthesia most of the time. If only removing a small amount of fat for transfer (such as into the face), you may be able to stay awake. Most of the time, these lipo procedures will require general anesthesia.
Chin liposuction is one of the liposuction procedures that can be performed under local anesthesia without major issues most of the time. Since this is a fairly small amount of fat and the procedure is quick, it is usually simple and easy to remove fat under the chin without general anesthesia.
To learn more and schedule a consultation with Dr. Sajan, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach out online