Everything You Need To Know About Insurance Coverage For Top Surgery

Top surgery–including male-to-female and female-to-male–are now covered under many medical insurance plans. At Allure Esthetic Plastic Surgery, we work with many insurances to help get top surgery and other gender affirming procedures covered for our patients. Here’s a quick rundown of what you need to know about insurance coverage for top surgery. (Find more on our insurance coverage page).
First off, while most insurance plans do cover top surgery, not all will provide the same stipulations for coverage. Some may require co-pays, a letter from a mental health professional, or proof that the patient has otherwise started their transition (such as proof they are on hormone therapy). While Dr. Sajan does not require these, he will have to abide by the insurance’s requirements.
Next, as you likely already know, not all surgeons accept all types of insurance. Therefore, you should contact your insurance to find a list of providers who accept your insurance to narrow your search that way.
Finally, check your plan for any hidden exclusions. They can be difficult to find, so our Insurance Coordinator may also be able to help you identify any exclusions that may limit your coverage.
To learn more, schedule a consultation with Dr. Javad Sajan by calling 206-209-0988. You can also reach out online at https://www.allureesthetic.com/