How Can I Reshape My Nose Without Surgery?

Taking up the center of the face, the nose is highly visible to ourselves and others. It is understandable that the shape, size, and projection of the nose can cause insecurity and unhappiness for patients. This is why rhinoplasty is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures for men and women around the world. However, with non-surgical procedures becoming more popular and innovative, many patients want to know, “How can I reshape my nose without surgery?”
First, it depends on what your goals are for reshaping your nose. Some results cannot be achieved adequately with non-surgical techniques (yet!). However, if you hope to simply fill in an unwanted hump on the bridge of your nose, strengthen the bridge, or address the size or projection of the tip, non-surgical rhinoplasty may be ideal.
Using dermal fillers, Dr. Sajan carefully injects them into the nose to create a more symmetrical and symbiotic appearance between the nose and face. It often is performed in under twenty minutes and can make a visible difference in the look of the nose and side profile. For those who want to “try on” their results before going under the knife, or those with only minor concerns, this treatment is likely the best non-surgical option.
Few non-surgical treatments can achieve the same results as nose fillers. BOTOX can soften bunny lines and address other wrinkling in the area. If your main concerns have to do with the skin or scarring on your nose, chemical peels or microneedling may be able to help.
To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach out online using Price Simulator®, chat, or our contact form.