How Is A Transgender Rhinoplasty Different From A Cisgender Rhinoplasty?

A rhinoplasty, or nose job, is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures performed in the United States. Many patients simply want to alter the look of their nose. However, for transgender patients, a rhinoplasty may be part of a larger facial feminization or masculinization surgery meant to make their face look more like their gender identity. So, how is a transgender rhinoplasty different from a cisgender rhinoplasty?
The main difference between a transgender rhinoplasty and a cisgender rhinoplasty is the goals. A cisgender patient will often want to address a specific cosmetic aspect such as an unwanted bump, the size, or the tip of their nose. While a transgender patient may also have specific aspects of their nose they want to change, the overall goal of the surgery is to give them either a more feminine or masculine nose.
In the case of feminizing the nose, Dr. Sajan will often make the nose smaller, thinner, and straighter. For masculinization, Dr. Sajan will alter the projection and overall shape of the nose for a more masculine appearance.
To learn more about nose job surgery, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach out online using Price Simulator, chat, or contact form.