How Long Does it Take For Acne Scars to Fade?
Acne is the real horror story for teenagers and acne scars haunt even more. The acne is a rough and uneven appearance of skin sometimes with the fluid too. It hurts the affected area and brings a lot of discomfort to the patient. There are acne treatments available to remove acne but does it remove the scars too? How long will it take to finally experience smooth skin? Let’s find out all of this, in this article.
Type of Acne Scars
The fading of acne scars also depends on many factors, and one such factor is its type. Let’s find out in detail:
- Ice Pick Acne Scars: This type of acne scar has a hole at the top that becomes smaller as it goes deeper into the skin. It happened mostly on the forehead and upper cheeks.
- Boxcar Acne Scars: These scars are present on the jawline or lower cheeks. They look square or circle-shaped on the skin.
- Rolling Acne Scar: The uneven look on the skin is caused by rolling acne scars. It is caused by the damage under the skin.
- Hypertrophic Acne Scars: It is a raised or flat scar on the area where the ache was. The main cause of this is too much collagen on the skin. It may appear on the chest, neck, shoulders, or face.
- Keloid Acne Scar: These itchy scars are darker than your skin and may appear as a patch on acne.
- Dark Spot Acne Scars: When pimples go, a dark spot is left. It is due to the production of melanin pigment by acne on the skin which leaves a dark spot.
- Perifollicular Elastolysis: These round and oval bumps on the skin match your skin color but make the skin uneven. It may be present on the arms, back, chest, or shoulders.
What Causes Acne Scars?
Acne is the most common issue which happens due to the clogged pores which are filled with oil and dead skin cells. The bacteria makes it worse by multiplying within the pore which causes inflammation and itching. These acne may appear different according to various factors, such as:
- Skin’s unique type.
- The healing process of the body.
- Any picking or disturbing the acne
- The depth of the acne
- Diet
- The skin of the color
The scars of acne mostly happen when it is touched too often but personal healing factors also play a crucial role.
How Long Does It Take for Acne Scars to Fade?
Acne scars can disappear over time. It may take 6 months or more but after that, you will need to treat them to make sure they disappear completely. There are acne scar creams or other treatments to decrease the visibility completely. You must consult a dermatologist to ask for a proper treatment.
Acne scars can be troublesome in many ways. It hinders beauty and causes pain and discomfort too. The reasons for scars can vary but mainly it happens due to over-touching and itching on acne or pimples. The scars can fade away after 6 months but if any mark is left after that, it requires treatment. Consult a dermatologist for acne scar treatment that suits your skin type.