How Much Do You Have To Weigh To Get A BBL?

Brazilian butt lift surgery is the gold standard of buttock enhancement. It requires removing fat from elsewhere on the body, often the abdomen, waist, hips, and thighs. This does mean that patients need to have some amount of extra fat to successfully have a BBL surgery. So, how much do you have to weigh to get a BBL?
Due to natural differences in height and build, there is no exact weight that a patient needs to be in order to undergo a BBL. An average person likely carries enough extra fat for a BBL, unless they want especially dramatic results. However, some thin patients may not have enough fat to safely harvest. In these cases, a non-surgical BBL may provide patients with the results they want.
At Allure Esthetic Plastic Surgery, we do not have BMI limits on our procedures. However, it is not likely safe for patients with only the necessary amounts of fat to get a BBL. In addition, those who have larger amounts of fat can often get a BBL if in good health. Though, they may require a procedure like a tummy tuck as well for the best results.
To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach out online using Price Simulator®, chat, and contact form.