How Soon Can You Have Breast Implants Removed?

Following breast augmentation surgery, most patients are thrilled with their new breasts and keep their breast implants for years or decades. However, there are times when patients want to have their implants removed for whatever reason. While this usually comes years after the initial surgery, sometimes it can be sooner. How soon can you have breast implants removed?
There is not one uniform answer to this question. It depends on the situation and the original surgery. Most of the time, plastic surgeons will recommend waiting for a year because it takes time for the surgical area to fully heal and the implants to settle. This is generally when a patient feels unhappy with the initial cosmetic results, but is having no other problems.
However, there are some cases where Dr. Sajan may recommend taking one or both of the implants out. While these cases are rare, they can occur. Some examples may include:
- High grade capsular contracture on one or both breasts
- Major infection
- Implant rupture
- Severe breast implant illness
- Allergic reaction
As mentioned, these complications are rare, often preventable, and sometimes have initial treatments that may eliminate the need for surgical intervention. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach out online using chat, online form, or Price Simulator.