Inverted Nipple Repair Seattle: What Are Inverted Nipples?

It is estimated that around 10 percent of women have at least one inverted nipple, and while it can occur in men, it is less common. Inverted nipples normally pose no significant health risk. It is possible to be born with inverted nipples or develop them later in life. With many variations in nipple shape, it can be difficult to determine if you have inverted nipples. So, what are inverted nipples?
An inverted nipple is a type of nipple variation where the nipple either lays flat against the areola or points inward. As mentioned, this can occur from birth or develop due to trauma to the area, breastfeeding, or rarely, more concerning conditions. From a health standpoint, inverted nipples are usually nothing to worry about.
That said, inverted nipples can affect breastfeeding depending on the level of inversion. Some women with inverted nipples may have difficulty or unable to breastfeed. Other people may simply feel self conscious and want to find a solution for inverted nipples. At Allure Esthetic Plastic Surgery, Dr. Javad Sajan offers inverted nipple repair which can correct inverted nipples.
It may not be possible to restore or create the possibility of breastfeeding. Therefore, inverted nipple repair is a cosmetic procedure that can reduce stress and insecurity associated with inverted nipples. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Sajan, call us at 206-209-0988 or contact us online at