Is Laser Hair Removal For MTF Permanent?
People transitioning from male to female often undergo laser hair removal to reduce body and facial hair. Of course, they may use temporary methods such as shaving or waxing, but this can become expensive and tiring to upkeep. Thus, laser hair removal offers transgender people the option to see less hair growth and present more femininely. So, is laser hair removal for MTF permanent?

Laser hair removal is considered a permanent reduction in hair. Since it targets the hair at every growth cycle (hence why you come in multiple times), this interrupts the natural hair growth cycles. Upon finishing your hair removal treatments, you may occasionally see some hair come through. This hair is generally patchy, thin, and much easier to remove than untreated hair.
There are few permanent hair removal options and they tend to be painful and are not viable for larger portions of the body. Thus, laser hair removal is the best option for people looking for MTF hair removal. It is more practical and less expensive and will allow them to not have to remove hair on a regular basis.
To learn more about laser hair removal or schedule a consultation, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach out online at