Is the Brazilian Butt Lift a Good Fit For You?

Looking to redefine your body and achieve a more stunning and youthful you? Look no further than the Brazilian Butt Lift. Genetics and the passage of time may have conspired to deprive you of some of your natural shapeliness. You didn’t have complete control of either of these circumstances, but now you can take control by doing something about it.
Sure, you can exercise long and hard to build up your derriere. If you have the willpower, time, and stamina, exercise can be effective, yet you’ll also likely wait months on end for results when you could also add voluptuous volume, enhance your curves, and achieve attractive lift with a single procedure: the Brazilian Butt Lift, or BBL.
What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?
A Brazilian Butt Lift is a surgical procedure that is a combination of liposuction and fat grafting.
Your surgeon starts by sucking fat out of predetermined, targeted areas of your body where there is an unwanted excess. The most common areas to find excess fat include your abdomen, your sides just above your waist, your inner thighs, your hips, and your upper back.
During this process, your surgeon can carefully sculpt the body in areas that need less fat. The fat that has been removed is then processed and purified so that it can be artfully injected into your buttocks and hips to create the most pleasing contours and achieve a desirable, balanced shape. Often, very few or no stitches are involved.
Who gets a Brazilian Butt Lift?
Anyone who wants their derriere to appear firmer and curvier will enjoy the results that they—and everyone else—see after getting a Brazilian Butt Lift.
- Young, and looking for more?
If you’re in your 20s or 30s and aren’t quite happy with your rear end’s fullness, sexiness, size, or shape, you don’t have to live with it for much longer. Most young patients who get a Brazilian Butt Lift are simply striving for a fun, more dramatic, curvier shape to enhance their appearance and give a boost to their self-esteem.
- Mature, and looking to upgrade?
You may be the perfect candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift. The passage of time and experiences like child-bearing may have caused your derriere to lose some volume. It may also have started to sag or to have lost some of its firmness. There may be signs of cellulite. No problem! This procedure can bring back the perky, firm butt that you used to have.
How do I know that I’m a good candidate for BBL?
Your doctor will work with you to explore your candidacy for a Brazilian Butt Lift, to make sure that it’s safe for you and that you can expect to achieve your desired results. You will get clearance from your primary care physician, and you will be screened for cardiovascular issues or clotting disorders.
Usually, the basic considerations are:
- Are you in general good health?
- Can you tolerate anesthesia?
- Are you in good enough condition to heal well?
Could I be too small or too skinny?
The Brazilian Butt Lift process involves taking fat from some areas of your body and then injecting that fat into your buttocks and hips. It’s possible that you don’t have enough body fat for this procedure, but it’s unlikely. Most of us have excess fat that can be relocated. You and your doctor will assess your situation before you move forward.
Is a Brazilian Butt Lift safe?
Dr. Sajan will have cleared you for this procedure and will perform screening to make sure that you’re in good shape for a BBL. You’ll receive guidelines and detailed aftercare instructions. All surgeries have risks, but it’s no coincidence that the number of Brazilian Butt Lifts performed has more than tripled over the last few years.
Unlike other forms of cosmetic body shaping, a Brazilian Butt Lift procedure does not involve introducing any artificial implants into your body. The only thing that is used to give your buttocks a new, firmer shape is your own fat that has been relocated from other areas of your body.

Is BBL a painful procedure?
You will be happy to learn that you will experience no pain during the procedure. You will most likely experience some minor discomfort for about 48 hours after your procedure as your skin and cells adjust to your new body shape, but this will be more equivalent to soreness or bruising.
Does it take a long time to recover?
Everybody’s body is different, but one of the great things about a Brazilian Butt Lift is that if you work you can sometimes squeeze it in while taking a few weeks of vacation.
Most of the discomfort you experience after your procedure will usually go away in two days. Now, you do have to take some reasonable precautions. For about two weeks after your procedure, you’ll want to take it easy, get sufficient rest, and avoid stressful activities so that your body can heal properly.
How long will your BBL last?
You’re going to like this one. You sometimes hear about people coming back for do-overs with many cosmetic procedures. You can think of a Brazilian Butt Lift as semi-permanent. That means that you can most likely expect your procedure to last several decades. No procedure like this can be guaranteed to last forever because fat cells can change and shift over time, but your Brazilian Butt Lift comes as close to permanent as you can get. To learn more, schedule a consultation today.