Post Plastic Surgery Depression: What It Is & How To Cope

Undergoing and recovering from plastic surgery can be difficult both physically and mentally. While most patients are warned about the physical recovery, not many are prepared for the mental and emotional anguish that can occur after plastic surgery. Sometimes referred to as “post plastic surgery depression”, this condition requires the same level of care and patience as a healing incision. Let’s take a look at what post plastic surgery depression and is and how to cope.
Post plastic surgery depression is a period of depression following plastic surgery. It may lead to the patient being dissatisfied with their results (even though they are still obviously healing), regretting surgery, or exhibiting symptoms consistent with depression. Patients already prone to depressive moods are especially at risk, but most patients will experience at least some level of a depressed mood.
How can you push through these feelings? Well, first and foremost, talk to Dr. Sajan. He will be able to discuss your concerns and provide individualized advice. Also, wait it out, many of the feelings of depression surround the early look of their results. However, most plastic surgeries take as long as a year to take on their final appearance.
In most cases, the depressive feelings pass within a week or two. If they persist or are especially severe, always feel free to contact Allure Esthetic Plastic Surgery. To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach us online via Price Simulator®, chat, or contact form.