The Benefits Of Ultrasound Massage After Surgery

Following plastic surgery, Dr. Sajan will often recommend that patients undergo ultrasound lymphatic massages. These are performed quickly and painlessly in the office. Patients often want to know about what the advantages of the massages are and if they are necessary. While not necessary, there are many benefits of ultrasound massage after surgery.
Firstly, swelling is normal following surgery but can be uncomfortable and painful. Using ultrasound waves and a gentle massage, the ultrasound lymphatic massage helps reduce swelling and ease uncomfortable side effects. This promotes healing and comfort during your recovery.
Next, because ultrasound lymphatic massage leads to drainage of built-up fluids, this activates the lymphatic system. This helps increase blood flow to the area which can quicken the healing process. In some patients, this may also minimize scar formation. Ultimately, it also can improve skin quality which benefits both the inward and outward healing of the incisions.
Finally, to learn more, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach out online at