The Best Procedures For Gender Affirming Hair Restoration
With age, the hairline becomes one distinct feature of gender that many patients hope to avoid or treat. While cisgender men also want to resolve their hairline, for trans females the desire can be combined with the debilitating effects of gender dysphoria. Thankfully, there are options to treat hair restoration for gender affirming cases. Here are three of the best procedures for gender affirming hair restoration.

1: Topical Medications
The first line of defense against any type of hair loss is topical medications such as Minoxidil. This allows patients to prevent and treat hair loss every day. It is often recommended to use with other hair restoration treatments to help promote the ideal results. Medications like this are generally best for younger patients just beginning to see hair loss.
2: Plasma
Blood plasma contains several growth factors and platelets which can help repair damaged hair follicles. This is a great option to combine with other methods. While often recommended for patients under 35, it can provide some results to most patients. The injections not only promote more hair growth, but they also help prevent future hair loss.
3: Hair Transplant
A gender affirming hair transplant surgery helps create a more feminine hairline while also transplanting hormone resistant hair to the areas of loss. This is the most effective form of hair restoration treatment, though it is also considered a surgical procedure. A hair transplant surgery is viable for most patients of any age.
To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.