The Dos and Don’ts of Recovering After A Tracheal Shave

A tracheal shave–while a relatively short surgery–does involve recovery and downtime. Focusing on your recovery and taking the necessary time off often results in a better outcome and is more comfortable for most patients. Before and after surgery, Dr. Sajan will provide the details and specifics of your Seattle tracheal shave recovery. Here are some additional dos and don’ts of recovering after a tracheal shave.
DO: Rest
Rest following any surgical procedure allows the body to focus on healing. While you should get up occasionally to promote blood circulation, resting for the first day or two promotes a good recovery.
DON’T: Exercise or return to activities too quickly
One of the most common ways patients worsen their bruising, swelling, or get a complication is by doing too much too soon. The body takes time to heal and recuperate. Therefore, if you exert it too much, this can result in more swelling and bruising. In the case of a tracheal shave, this may be especially difficult to hide. Additionally, in the worst cases, patients who exercise too early may rip open a stitch or cause themselves unnecessary pain.
DO: Rest your voice
While not always entirely necessary, you may experience some pain speaking following the procedure since the vocal cords lay just behind the Adam’s apple. Resting your voice may alleviate some discomfort and promote an overall better recovery.
DON’T: Use unapproved or store bought scar creams
Scarring following a tracheal shave is understandably one of the highest concerns for patients. With the incision made in the mid-neck, it is difficult to conceal with clothing and in everyday life. This can result in some patients trying out various scarring solutions that may irritate or harm their healing scar.
To aid his patients and prevent them from using an unsafe scar solution, Dr. Sajan offers Scar Protocol was specifically formulated for use during each stage of a scar’s healing process. It is safe to use and helps reduce the visibility of tracheal shave scars.
To learn more and schedule a consultation at Allure Esthetic, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach us online via Price Simulator™, chat, or contact form.