Tracheal Shave Seattle: What Is A Tracheal Shave?

For transgender women, the look of the Adam’s apple and the additional cartilage present in the neck can cause dysphoria. As a traditionally masculine trait, many transgender women choose to undergo a procedure known as a tracheal shave to achieve a more feminine facial contour and profile. What is a tracheal shave?
A tracheal shave is a surgical procedure commonly performed during a male-to-female transgender transition that involves reducing the appearance of the masculine Adam’s apple. This traditionally masculine feature is often not a part of the traditionally feminine profile. It is a delicate surgery that requires an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Sajan who has extensive experience in tracheal shave surgery.
The specific surgical methods may vary based on individual anatomy and goals. Generally, Dr. Sajan will make an incision in or near the submental fold. From here, he will remove some or all of the cartilage that sits on top of the thyroid and vocal cords. This develops due to testosterone during puberty and contributes to the voice change that males assigned at birth people experience.
Patients also often undergo a tracheal shave with other facial feminization surgeries for a complete feminized facial appearance.
To learn more about tracheal shaves or transoral tracheal shave and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-787-0784. You can also contact us online via chat, Price Simulator™, or contact form.