What Is Baby BOTOX?
It is not uncommon to see dynamic wrinkles begin to form in your twenties. However, left untreated, these dynamic wrinkles become deeper and sometimes permanent fixtures on the face. BOTOX and other neuromodulators can treat dynamic wrinkles and prevent them from worsening. Usually, patients do not begin treatment for wrinkles until their late twenties or thirties. New BOTOX techniques may be proving effective in long term wrinkle prevention. What is baby BOTOX? How can help fight aging and prevent wrinkles?
Baby BOTOX, sometimes known as microtox or micro BOTOX, is a technique that uses smaller doses of BOTOX to prevent wrinkles formation in younger patients. For example, a typical BOTOX patient tends to receive anywhere from 20 to 50 units during an average Seattle BOTOX treatment. With baby BOTOX, the average is around 10 units.
Using smaller doses and starting younger can weaken the targeted facial muscles over time which prevents them from forming wrinkles in the long run. This can also be seen in masseter BOTOX treatment where after multiple rounds of injections, patients often need fewer touch-ups.
Baby BOTOX often begins in your early twenties and can resume through to your thirties, or as long as you do not need a full dose. To learn more about micro BOTOX injections and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also contact us online via Price Simulator™, chat, and contact form.