What Is Facial Feminization Surgery?

Gender dysphoria is a condition where a transgender or gender non-conforming person feels intense negative feelings and emotions due to their physical anatomy and outward appearance. It is commonly associated with the look of the chest, genitals, and general body contour. However, for many, particularly transgender women or those who identify femininely, the face can also cause gender dysphoria. Facial feminization surgery is used to treat this. Let’s take a look at the question, “What is facial feminization surgery?”
Facial feminization surgery is a customizable procedure that creates a more feminine looking face. Each surgery will look different for the individual patient because each face holds unique characteristics. Some of the most common surgeries associated or included in a facial feminization surgery are:
- Chin Reduction
- Frontal Bone Reduction
- Rhinoplasty
- Brow Lift
- Jaw Contouring
During a consultation, Dr. Sajan will ask about your goals and examine your current anatomy. From there, he will craft a personalized Seattle facial feminization surgery. To learn more and schedule a consultation with Dr. Sajan, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach out online using chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.