What Is Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Good For?

In the past decade, more and more non-surgical alternatives for plastic surgeries have arisen. While they cannot always replace surgery, they can help some patients avoid going under the knife for a minor cosmetic flaw. One of the best examples of a non-surgical alternative is a non-surgical rhinoplasty. But, otherwise, what is a non-surgical rhinoplasty good for?
As mentioned before, a rhinoplasty can fill in humps on the bridge of the nose without surgery. The main downside is that this is not permanent and cannot correct the cause of a hump such as a deviated septum or displaced anatomy due to an injury. This is where surgery may become necessary.
A non-surgical nose job can also help patients preview the results of surgical correction before committing to it. Making the decision to have surgery is a big one, so a non-surgical rhinoplasty can help make that decision. It can also provide enhancement who cannot undergo surgery for whatever reason.
To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach out online using chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.