What Is The Best Age For Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant surgery is one of the most common cosmetic procedures sought by men. Though women do also undergo hair transplantation, it is one of the few plastic surgeries where men make up the majority of the patients. One of the questions heard frequently during these consultations is, “What is the best age for hair transplant?”
Genetic hair loss tends to begin in early adulthood. It may even start in high school. If treatment starts early before hair loss becomes totally visible or obvious, patients may be able to avoid hair transplant surgery or significantly delay it. Some of the treatment tactics for younger patients include medications, plasma injections, and laser therapies. For patients under 25 or 30 with mild hair loss, Dr. Sajan will likely recommend trying these methods first.
However, regardless of age, if hair loss reaches a certain point that non-surgical therapies alone cannot treat the patient may become a candidate for a hair transplant. It is typical for patients in their thirties or forties to undergo the procedure. While hair transplantation restores hair, it cannot completely guarantee that you will not still face hair loss as you grow older. Therefore, if you can delay the surgery until you are older, you may see longer lasting results.
With that said, even young people suffering hair loss can dramatically benefit from hair transplant surgery. To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator®, chat, and contact form.