What Is The Best Age To Get Breast Implants?

Most plastic surgery procedures cannot be performed until a patient is 18. Breast augmentation is one of these. However, the FDA does not recommend silicone breast implants for anyone under the age of 22, though saline implants are approved for anyone 18 and above. This can leave patients wondering, “What is the best age to get breast implants?”
The best age to get breast implants will truly depend on the patient themselves. Some patients may qualify for implant placement at a younger age due to certain deformities or injuries. With otherwise normal anatomy, plastic surgeons may recommend waiting until at least the age of 22, especially if the patient is interested in silicone breast implants.
The breasts–while usually reaching their full size by adulthood–do not technically reach maturity until your early twenties. Therefore, cosmetic surgery concerning the breasts is often best performed after this point. Also, if silicone breast implants are placed before the age of 22, the warranty will be voided.
If a patient desires a breast augmentation before age 22, saline breast implants are often recommended and patients can undergo a further procedure to get silicone implants if they want later. Ultimately, a consultation with Dr. Sajan is the best way to determine the ideal time for breast augmentation surgery.
To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator, chat, or our contact form.