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Calculate Your BMI

Are you considering plastic surgery? Enter your information into our BMI calculator to see if you may be a good candidate!

BMI Calculator




Patient Eligibility

Determining whether or not a patient is healthy enough to undergo plastic surgery is vital to their safety and the outcome of their surgery. Surgeons look at several factors to make this decision, including:

  • General Health: Patients must be medically healthy when having plastic surgery. Conditions that may compromise the immune system (infections, cancers, chronic illnesses, etc.) can affect the risk for complications and adverse reactions or results.
  • Mental Health: Patients should have a good mental state when pursuing surgery. Individuals who have depression, anxiety, or other disorders may be unsatisfied post-operation–even with good surgical results–and find themselves in a more critical mental state. Delaying surgery until the patient has healed mentally and emotionally is essential to ensuring their long-term satisfaction and happiness.
  • Physical Fitness & BMI: Adhering to a healthy diet and exercise routine is an excellent practice to implement before surgery. Developing healthy habits pre-operation will help produce the best possible surgical results and maintain them long after your procedure. These routines can also ensure patients are in the healthy BMI range.

What Is BMI?

Body Mass Index uses your height and weight to calculate the density of your body tissue. The subsequent number will fall into one of the following categories:

  • Underweight (mild, moderate, or severe)
  • Normal Weight
  • Overweight
  • Obese (class I, II, or III)

The primary use of BMI in plastic surgery is to help the surgeon determine if the patient is a good candidate for the procedure or if they may be at risk for complications.

BMI & Plastic Surgery

Often considered life-changing procedures, plastic surgeries can significantly impact patients’ physical well-being. Not only can cosmetic procedures reconstruct or correct physical aspects to improve bodily health, but they can also benefit your mental health. A sense of confidence and comfort in your own skin can have a powerful effect on daily life.

Who is a good candidate for plastic surgery?

Choosing a plastic surgeon to guide you through the surgical process will give you peace of mind as you take steps toward a renewed appearance. However, the surgical decisions you will make are only half the battle. It is vital to ensure you are a good candidate for surgery before moving forward with the procedure.

Physically and mentally healthy individuals are often good candidates for plastic surgery. Those with a BMI in the normal range may have a lower risk of surgical complications and an easier time recovering after their procedure.

BMI Table

Weight Classification

  • Severely Underweight
  • Moderately Underweight
  • Mildly Underweight
  • Normal
  • Overweight
  • Obese Class I
  • Obese Class II
  • Obese Class III

BMI Range

  • < 16
  • 16 - 17
  • 17 - 18.5
  • 18.5 - 25
  • 25 - 30
  • 30 - 35
  • 35 - 40
  • > 40

Frequently Asked Questions

How Is BMI Calculated Using The BMI Calculator?

The BMI calculator divides your weight (in kilograms) by the square of your height (in meters). The resulting quotient is the density of your body mass.

Why Does Aesthetics Play A Significant Role When Discussing Body Mass Index?

Anything to do with appearance plays a role in aesthetics, and BMI is no exception. A person’s body mass can differ based on their body composition–those with more muscle mass can have a higher BMI and still have aesthetically pleasing body symmetry.

How Reliable Is A BMI Calculator For Assessing Aesthetic Appeal Or Attractiveness?

A higher or lower BMI doesn’t mean a person will or will not be considered aesthetically appealing by others. While BMI is a helpful tool in medical practices, it isn’t an indicator of beauty or appeal since attractiveness is subjective.

Can I Rely Solely On My BMI Results For My Overall Health Status?

Overall health can’t be judged solely by BMI results. Body mass can indicate whether or not a person is a healthy weight; however, this is not the sole indicator of a person’s health status. Scheduling regular checkups with your physician is the best way to keep tabs on your overall well-being.

What Is The BMI Limit For Plastic Surgery?

The BMI limit for plastic surgery is generally 30 or below, though there are surgeons who will operate on patients with a BMI up to 40 in some cases.

What Is The Highest BMI For BBL?

For patient safety and beneficial results, a BMI of 30 is the highest body mass a patient should have when undergoing a Brazilian Butt Lift.

What BMI Is Too High For A Tummy Tuck?

Plastic surgeons will perform tummy tucks on patients with a BMI of 40 or below. However, if a patient’s BMI is above 30, they may need to seek a surgeon with previous experience operating on patients with a higher body mass index.

What Is The Ideal Weight For Plastic Surgery?

The recommended weight for plastic surgery varies from patient to patient. Before pursuing plastic surgery, patients should reach a healthy weight. After maintaining their ideal weight for a time with the help of a healthy lifestyle, patients may have a higher chance of seeing long-lasting, stunning results from their procedure.

Allure Esthetic Plastic Surgery

(206) 209-0988

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