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Breast implants are a popular and effective way to enhance or restore breast shape, whether for cosmetic or reconstructive purposes. However, like any medical device, breast implants are not immune to complications. One such concern is breast implant rupture. If you're in Seattle, WA, seeking clarity on this topic, you're in the right place. Allure Esthetic and Dr. Javad Sajan have helped many patients who have experienced implant rupture—or suspect they have—treat and address their concerns while maintaining a good cosmetic result.

What Is a Breast Implant Rupture?

A breast implant rupture occurs when the implant's outer shell develops a tear or hole, allowing the filling material—whether saline or silicone—to leak out. Ruptures can be silent, with no noticeable symptoms, or symptomatic, causing visible changes or discomfort. Modern breast implants are less likely to rupture and leak than older generations.

There are two primary types of implants:

  1. Saline Implants - Filled with sterile salt water. When they rupture, the saline leaks and is safely absorbed by the body, leading to a noticeable deflation of the breast.
  2. Silicone Implants - Filled with silicone gel. A rupture may not be immediately apparent, as the gel often remains in the surrounding tissue. This is known as a "silent rupture."

The newest type of silicone implants—gummy bear breast implants—have safety features that help protect patients from rupture. Firstly, the implant is firmer and has a tougher outer shell which makes rupture less likely to occur. Secondly, if rupture does happen, the silicone filling inside the implant is thicker and closer to the consistency of a gummy bear. This type of filling is less susceptible to leaking like saline or or older silicone implants.

Causes of Breast Implant Rupture

Several factors can contribute to implant rupture, including:

  1. Aging Implants: Over time, the materials can weaken, increasing the risk of rupture.
  2. Trauma or Injury: A significant impact, such as a car accident or a fall, can damage the implant shell. After the treatment of acute injuries, patients may consider getting their implants checked following such an event.
  3. Capsular Contracture: Capsular Contracture is the hardening of scar tissue around the implant, which can put pressure on the implant and lead to rupture. Often, capsular contracture can be treated before rupture occurs.
  4. Surgical Errors: Incorrect handling during insertion or replacement can weaken the implant. This is more frequently seen in patients who traveled outside of the US for breast augmentation or who went to unqualified or unlicensed providers.
  5. Compression During Mammograms: While rare, excessive pressure during imaging can sometimes cause rupture. Patients can and should continue to get mammograms with breast implants, but they should inform the provider performing them so they can get a more accurate reading and avoid too much compression.

Symptoms of Breast Implant Rupture

The signs of a rupture vary depending on the type of implant:

For Saline Implants

  • Sudden decrease in breast size or shape.
  • A noticeable deflation.

For Silicone Implants

  • Changes in breast shape or size.
  • Lumps or hardening around the implant area.
  • Pain, tenderness, or swelling.
  • Asymmetry between the breasts.

Rupture is generally easier to detect in saline breast implants than in silicone ones. Imaging such as an ultrasound or MRI may be necessary to diagnose a silicone breast implant rupture.

Treatment Options for Breast Implant Rupture Repair

Once a rupture is confirmed, prompt action is recommended to address the issue and maintain your breast health. Here are the common approaches to repairing a ruptured implant:

Saline Implant Replacement

Since the saline is safely absorbed by the body, the primary focus is on removing the deflated implant and replacing it with a new one. This can often be done in a single procedure.

Silicone Implant Removal and Replacement

When a silicone implant ruptures, the gel may leak into the surrounding tissue. The surgeon will remove both the implant and any leaked silicone. A new implant can often be placed during the same surgery.

Dr. Sajan can use different techniques to remove the breast implant depending on the patient’s needs. In some cases, the scar tissue is first removed from the around the implant—either partially or completely—and then the implant is removed. This is often done when new implants are placed because not all scar tissue needs to be removed.

If a rupture is severe or a patient prefers the method, an en bloc breast implant removal removes the scar tissue capsule and breast implant as one. This does involve a larger scar and is not possible to perform in all cases.

Implant Removal Without Replacement

Some patients opt to have their implants removed entirely without replacement. This procedure may involve additional techniques, such as a breast lift, to maintain a natural shape.

At Allure Esthetic in Seattle, each treatment plan is customized to meet the patient’s goals and ensure optimal outcomes.

Preventing Breast Implant Rupture

While no implant is guaranteed to last a lifetime, there are steps you can take to minimize the risk of rupture:

  • Follow-Up Regularly: Schedule routine check-ups with your plastic surgeon to monitor implant health.
  • Imaging Tests: For silicone implants, the FDA recommends MRI scans three years after implantation and every two years thereafter to detect silent ruptures.
  • Choose Quality Implants: Opt for implants from reputable manufacturers with a proven track record of durability.
  • Protect Your Chest: Avoid activities that could expose your chest to trauma.

Why Choose Allure Esthetic for Breast Implant Rupture Repair in Seattle?

Allure Esthetic is a trusted name in Seattle for breast implant procedures, including rupture repair. Led by experienced, board-certified plastic surgeons, the clinic offers:

  • Comprehensive consultations.
  • Holistic examination.
  • Tailored treatment plans to meet your aesthetic and health needs.
  • Supportive care throughout your journey.

Our goal is to ensure that you feel confident, informed, and comfortable with your decision.

The Cost Of Repairing A Ruptured Breast Implant

The final cost of removing ruptured breast implants depends on several factors including the type of breast implant, age of the implants, how long the implant has been ruptured, amount of scar tissue present, and whether the patient is getting new implants. The starting cost for breast rupture surgery in Seattle is $8,500.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Tell If My Breast Implant Has Ruptured?

Saline implants typically deflate visibly, while silicone implants may show subtle changes in shape or feel. For silent ruptures, imaging tests like MRI are necessary for definitive diagnosis.

Is A Ruptured Breast Implant Dangerous?

While saline leaks are harmless, silicone leaks may require removal to prevent complications, such as inflammation or capsular contracture. The silicone inside breast implants is sterile and surgical-grade silicone, but it can cause an inflammatory or immune response that can cause pain, infection, distortion of the appearance of the breast, or capsular contracture. As long as a ruptured implant is addressed, there is little long-term risk.

How Long Does Breast Implant Rupture Repair Take?

Most surgeries take 1-2 hours, depending on whether the implant is replaced or removed without replacement.

What Is The Recovery Time For Rupture Repair?

Recovery typically takes 2-4 weeks, though this varies by individual and procedure type. Follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions for the best results.

Get Answers & Maintain Your Breast Appearance At Allure Esthetic

If you suspect a breast implant rupture or want to learn more about repair options, contact Allure Esthetic in Seattle. Our team is here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring that your experience is as smooth and stress-free as possible. Book your consultation today and take the first step toward restoring your confidence and comfort.

Call us at 206-209-0988 or reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

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