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Plastic and cosmetic surgeries are most often associated with women. However, there are a few procedures performed almost exclusively on men, including gynecomastia surgery. It helps restore and maintain a masculine chest appearance for adult men at all stages of life. Allure Esthetic Plastic Surgery in Seattle, WA welcomes men looking to treat gynecomastia through surgical means. Dr. Javad Sajan customizes each gynecomastia surgery for each patient based on their anatomy, needs, and medical history. Allure Esthetic Plastic Surgery performs the best gynecomastia with Vaser liposuction Seattle offers.

What Is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a benign medical condition that causes male breast tissue to become overgrown and may begin to resemble female breasts. This can be distressing for men, especially if the chest contour is disproportionate to their weight and body contours. While gynecomastia itself is not dangerous, it can be a symptom of other medical conditions that may require treatment. Therefore, initial medical evaluation is important for ruling out these factors.

The surgery to correct gynecomastia is usually referred to as “gynecomastia surgery” or “male breast reduction surgery.” However, many use the name of the medical condition to also refer to the surgery.


The cause of gynecomastia varies. The most common cause is natural fluctuations in hormones that occur during different stages of life such as during puberty and old age.

Gynecomastia that appears during puberty, for example, is often temporary and may resolve over time as hormones settle. Potential causes of gynecomastia include:

  • Medications
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Anabolic steroid use
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Rapid or frequent weight loss or fluctuations
  • High estrogen levels and/or low testosterone levels
  • Hypogonadism
  • Tumors on hormone-producing glands
  • Klinefelter syndrome
  • Liver disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Genetics

Most people who have gynecomastia do not have concerning health issues causing their symptoms. But, it is important to understand that they should be ruled out because a patient seeks gynecomastia surgery with Vaser liposuction.


Symptoms of gynecomastia can vary from patient to patient. Some patients may not experience symptoms beyond enlarged male breasts. Though, gynecomastia can sometimes come with other symptoms such as:

  • Pain
  • Tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Puffy nipples
  • Increased nipple sensitivity

Treatment Options For Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia treatment is designed based on the cause and severity of the patient’s condition. Below are the most frequently prescribed treatments for gynecomastia.

No Treatment

If your gynecomastia is not severe, not causing major pain or discomfort, or a patient is within certain stages of life, a doctor may recommend no treatment initially. This is because gynecomastia may resolve over time, especially for teenagers and those experiencing natural hormone fluctuations. If the gynecomastia worsens or shows more concerning changes, a doctor may recommend treatment.


Hormone therapy may help some patients who experience gynecomastia symptoms due to hormonal conditions or major imbalances. This can help keep the hormones in check and functioning properly. If a medical condition causes gynecomastia, medications to treat that condition may inadvertently help improve gynecomastia too.

Gynecomastia Surgery

In severe cases or those with no discernable cause, gynecomastia surgery may be the best course of action. The surgery will differ, but it may include any combination of skin removal, liposuction, Vaser liposuction, or J-plasma. Occasionally, these procedures on their own can adequately treat gynecomastia. Frequently, gynecomastia surgery will include skin removal and some form of liposuction.

Before & After Gynecomastia With Vaser Liposuction


At a consultation with Dr. Sajan at Allure Esthetic, Dr. Sajan will want to know your medical history, specific concerns you want to address, and goals for the procedure. He will examine the chest to help determine the severity of the gynecomastia and if gynecomastia with Vaser liposuction surgery is the right treatment. If a patient is a good candidate based on his assessment, Dr. Sajan will explain the gynecomastia surgery results a patient can expect.

After meeting with Dr. Sajan, patients will recieve a customized price quote for their procedures of interest. Patients can also inquire about financing options.


A gynecomastia with Vaser liposuction surgery starts out with Vaser liposuction. This form of liposuction uses ultrasound waves to break up fat cells before using a liposuction cannula to suction out fat. This helps Dr. Sajan better target the liposuction and remove more fat than with traditional liposuction. Vaser liposuction also offers some skin tightening benefits to help promote ideal results. J-plasma can be added for even more skin tightening results. For some surgeries, this may be all that is necessary.

Many patients may also require skin removal to adequately contour the chest area and address excess breast tissue. The extent of skin removal will depend on the amount of extra skin that needs to be removed. Some gynecomastia surgery incisions may extend horizontally on the chest bilaterally. While others may only require a small incision near the nipple. Dr. Sajan can provide insight into if skin removal will be necessary and what it will look like during a consultation.


Recovery instructions may differ based on a patient’s specific surgery and medical history. However, some of the most frequently given instructions include:

  • Wear a compression garment
  • Avoid strenuous activities for at least two weeks
  • Do not lift anything above ten pounds until cleared by Dr. Sajan
  • Attend post-operative appointments
  • Follow scar care instructions
  • Wear comfortable clothing that does not require lifting over your head to wear
  • Do not submerge the incisions
  • Alter shower and bathing routine to avoid compromising the incisions
  • Take at least one to two weeks off work (on average)

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Remove Liposuction With Liposuction Only?

Sometimes, yes, it ultimately depends on the patient’s specific presentation of gynecomastia. Those with less severe gynecomastia may only require liposuction to contour the chest and get rid of the appearance of overgrown breasts.

Does Insurance Cover Gynecomastia Surgery?

Occasionally, but, most of the time, gynecomastia surgery is considered a purely cosmetic and elective surgery. Allure Esthetic does not accept insurance for gynecomastia surgery.

How Painful Is Vaser Liposuction?

During surgery, patients are typically placed under general anesthesia so that they remain totally comfortable. Afterward, some soreness and tenderness in the areas treated with liposuction may occur. However, the pain or discomfort experienced is not major and can be adequately handled with medication. Dr. Sajan will prescribe a short course of pain medications to help patients get through the initial days after surgery. Many patients do not need prescription medication and can handle any side effects with over-the-counter medications.

What Is The Best Way To Sleep After Gynecomastia With Vaser Lipo?

Patients are usually advised to sleep on their backs at a slight angle. This helps prevent and improve swelling in the surgical area. It also tends to be the most comfortable. Some patients may be able to sleep on their side after a few days or a week, but this is highly dependent on the location of their incisions and other aspects of their surgery.

How Much Is Gynecomastia Surgery With Vaser Liposuction?

The cost of gynecomastia surgery in Seattle is $7,485. This may or may not include liposuction. At your consultation, you will receive a price quote personalized to your needs and prospective gynecomastia surgery. Patients can view more pricing on our price list and add up the starting cost of all their procedures using Price Simulator.

Allure Esthetic does accept Care Credit, Alphaeon, and United Medical Credit. This allows patients to finance their procedures to fit their budget. Patients can find links to apply on our financing page.

The Best Gynecomastia Surgery With Dr. Sajan In Seattle

Allure Esthetic Plastic Surgery is a leading plastic surgery practice in Seattle, WA. Located in the First Hill neighborhood, Allure Esthetic greets patients from around the world and helps them reach their goals through aesthetic treatments. Offering non-surgical and surgical procedures under one roof, Allure Esthetic aims to address all of a patient’s aesthetic needs. Dr. Javad Sajan performs the best gynecomastia with Vaser liposuction Seattle offers.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-209-0988. Patients can also reach out online via chat, contact form, and Price Simulator.

Allure Esthetic Plastic Surgery

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