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What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a medical term that refers to the enlargement of the male breasts. The condition is usually benign but could indicate a different medical issue. In mild cases, men may notice small clumps of fat collecting under and around the nipples, making their nipples look puffy or protruding. More severe cases may cause significant breast tissue growth and the formation of “man boobs.” This can cause a patient notable distress and may lead to hindrances in their lifestyle.

Gynecomastia does occasionally come with symptoms such as nipple or breast tenderness, swelling, and increased sensitivity. Not all patients will experience these symptoms. Gynecomastia can go away on its own, especially when due to natural changes in hormone balances like during puberty.

Causes of Gynecomastia

The most common cause of gynecomastia is hormone imbalances or conditions. Gynecomastia is common during eras of major hormonal changes like puberty and natural decline with age. This may cause an imbalance of testosterone versus estrogen. With more estrogen in the body—even temporarily—can cause the male breasts to grow. In many cases, this may resolve naturally as hormone levels balance out.

Hormonal imbalances caused by medical conditions such as thyroid issues, genetic diseases, or unmanaged major conditions like diabetes can contribute to the overgrowth of male breasts. Other potential causes include:

  • Prescription medications (some antidepressants, cancer treatments, and antibiotics may produce gynecomastia symptoms)
  • Illegal drugs (abuse or use of anabolic steroids, marijuana, and heroin can all contribute to gynecomastia)
  • Testicular injury (major injury to the testicles can permanently impact the production of testosterone and other hormones)
  • Malabsorption (conditions like cystic fibrosis or some digestive disorders that affect how we absorb nutrients from food can contribute to the development of gynecomastia)
  • Effects in utero (a mother’s hormones during pregnancy can affect some fetuses and factor into the cause of gynecomastia)

What is Non-Surgical Gynecomastia Treatment?

Gynecomastia may respond to initial medical treatments such as the switch-up of medications, diet and exercise, or the adequate treatment of contributing medical conditions. However, if gynecomastia does not resolve itself within a few years, many patients turn to surgery which is one of the few long-term and often permanent solutions for gynecomastia. Historically, few effective non-surgical treatments for gynecomastia were available. CoolSculpting and radiofrequency procedures could offer relief from gynecomastia in some cases.

The use of deoxycholic acid—known under the brand name Kybella—to melt fat under the chin has been well-known and FDA-approved for several years. As a digestive acid that helps break down fat in food, deoxycholic acid also can help reduce fat in localized areas of the body. Patients with mild gynecomastia symptoms and good skin quality may benefit from non-surgical gynecomastia treatment with Kybella injections.

In comparison to surgical options like liposuction or double incision gynecomastia surgery, the injections come with no scarring, little recovery, and minimal pain. Patients will require multiple sessions, but it tends to be more cost effective than traditional surgery.

Benefits of Non-Surgical Treatment

Non-surgical gynecomastia treatment comes with many possible benefits, especially for patients with mild symptoms when compared with surgery. Benefits may include:

  • Quick procedure
  • Minimal downtime
  • Fewer side effects
  • Less risk than surgery
  • Effective for patients with mild gynecomastia
  • No general anesthesia
  • Permanent results
  • Little to no scarring

Who is a Good Candidate for Gynecomastia Non Surgical Treatment?

The best candidates for a non-surgical gynecomastia treatment tend to be in relatively good health and present with mild growth of the breasts. Patients with loose skin or more severe breast growth may benefit more from surgery. If diet, exercise, and conservative treatments have not adequately addressed gynecomastia symptoms, a non-surgical treatment like deoxycholic injections may be the next step.

What to Expect During Treatment?

Firstly, a nurse or medical assistant will apply topical numbing cream to the chest and disinfect the injection sites. Once the numbing cream activates (usually this takes ten to twenty minutes), the provider will begin the Kybella injections. Normally, one to two syringes are injected based on the patient’s needs and anatomy. The injections can take as little as ten minutes.

Post-Treatment Care

Patients can return to the majority of their activities immediately. In general, patients should refrain from strenuous activity for the rest of the day and may want to wait to shower until the next day to prevent skin irritation. Overall, patients do not need time off from work and will only need to make minor deviations from their normal routines.

Is the Non Surgical Gynecomastia Treatment Permanent?

Essentially, yes. Once the deoxycholic acid breaks down and eliminates fat cells, they cannot come back. However, this does not mean gynecomastia could never recur, but it makes it less likely and does permanently remove fat from the chest.

Is non-surgical gynecomastia treatment painful?

Numbing cream is applied to the skin before the procedure to make it as comfortable as possible. Some minor discomfort may still be felt during the injections, but patients usually do not find the procedure overly uncomfortable.

How much does it cost for Gynecomastia Non Surgical Treatment in Seattle?

Non-surgical gynecomastia treatment in Seattle starts at $1800 for three sessions. Patients may require more sessions in some cases. Patients receive a personalized price quote at their consultation appointment.

Why Choose Allure Esthetic for Non-Surgical Gynecomastia Treatment in Seattle?

Allure Esthetic is a leader in cosmetic surgery and procedures in the Seattle area. Often the first to offer innovative treatments and view patient care as a holistic endeavor, Allure’s providers aim to find the right treatment for each patient that will help them achieve their goals.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How many sessions of non-surgical gynecomastia treatment are performed?

Patients usually will start with three sessions. For many patients, three sessions will provide the results they expect. Sometimes patients may require additional sessions due to the way their body responds to the treatment or the severity of their condition.

When should I expect to see the results?

Deoxycholic acid results tend to become visible after one to two sessions. But, this will vary between patients. At each appointment following the initial session, providers will evaluate the progress and discuss it with the patient.

Is Gynecomastia non-surgical treatment safe?

Yes, while the use of deoxycholic acid for gynecomastia treatment is not FDA-approved, the medication itself is and can be used off-label. Off-label uses of medications are very common and generally accepted as safe in most situations as long as administered by a qualified medical professional.

Does insurance cover Non Surgical Gynecomastia in Seattle?

No, insurance rarely covers gynecomastia treatment because it is a benign condition and treatment beyond basic medical care is considered elective. Allure Esthetic does accept financing from outside companies including Care Credit, Alphaeon, and United Medical Credit.

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