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The last two decades have brought several innovations in neuromodulators. While all of the cosmetic options derive from Botulinum toxin A, they vary in small ways, making each product unique. The newest neuromodulator approved by the FDA to treat frown lines is Daxxify. It has been shown to last longer than Botox and other comparable treatments. Allure Esthetic Plastic Surgery is proud to offer Daxxify in Seattle to new and existing patients wanting to try the newest treatment for their unwanted lines.

What Is Daxxify?

Daxxify is a medication with the active ingredient of Botulinum toxin A. Like other similar medications such as Botox and Dysport, Daxxify relaxes muscles locally to address specific movements that cause frown lines to form. This prevents these lines from forming and deepening to become permanent skin fixtures. When applied correctly and in appropriate doses, Daxxify should not fully restrict movement of the entire muscle—only the micro-movements observed that contribute to line formation.

It works similarly to Botox; however, it also includes a peptide that attaches to the Botulinum toxin A and helps the skin and body absorb the product better. The peptide also acts as a stabilizer for Daxxify and allows for the omission of human or animal products to serve as a stabilizer. It is the only vegan neuromodulator currently on the market.

Daxxify vs. Botox - Key Differences

Daxxify and Botox share an active ingredient and indications, but the products do have several differences. The first—and primary—difference is the inclusion of a peptide in Daxxify’s formula. As previously mentioned, the peptide attaches to the Botulinum toxin A molecules and promotes more efficient and long-lasting results.

On average, Daxxify lasts about six months. This is potentially double the length of Botox and Dysport results. In some patients, results have lasted as long as nine months. The reason it lasts so long is largely due to the peptide which helps more product reach the muscles.

Due to the formulation and manufacturing differences, Daxxify is given in doses of 40 units for the treatment of glabellar lines. Some patients may require more or less based on factors such as age, skin and muscle thickness, and lifestyle. Due to this, the prices for Botox, Dysport, and Daxxify can all vary based on the individual needs of the patient and manufacturer guidelines.

Is Daxxify safe?

Yes, Daxxify is an FDA-approved medication. Also, neuromodulators using Botulinum toxin A have a stellar safety record and have been well-studied for efficacy and safety over the last four decades.

Benefits of Choosing Daxxify for Frown Lines

Daxxify in Seattle comes with many potential benefits including:

  • Smooth frown lines
  • Prevent worsening of frown lines
  • See results as soon as the day after treatment
  • Enjoy results for six months or more
  • Few risks
  • Minimal side effects
  • Little to no downtime is required
  • Performed by an expert injector at Allure Esthetic

How Daxxify Treatment Is Performed

Frown line treatment in Seattle with Daxxify will look nearly identical to any other neuromodulator treatment. A medical provider will inject the medication into the portions of muscle causing frown lines to appear. The injections can take under fifteen minutes and usually do not require numbing.

Areas We Treat with Daxxify at Allure Esthetic

Daxxify is approved to treat frown lines. However, it can be safely used off-label anywhere other neuromodulators are. A few examples of areas Daxxify can be used include:

  • Forehead
  • Eye corners
  • Nose
  • Lips
  • Chin
  • Neck
  • Jaw

Providers also use Daxxify for chronic migraine prevention and to alleviate the symptoms of TMJ. Patients can discuss all of their treatment interests during their consultation.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Daxxify?

The best candidates for Daxxify in Seattle are patients in relatively good health who want to address unwanted signs of aging such as lines or wrinkles. Patients do not have to have used neuromodulators in the past. But, if they have found other products that provide them with subpar results, Daxxify may be the right option for them because of the included peptide.

Patients should understand what can and cannot be treated with Daxxify and the results they can expect. Patients can discuss this with their provider at their consultation.

How long does daxxify take to work?

Daxxify can show results as soon as the day after treatment. Most patients see some results within a few days. Full results will take about two weeks to settle in.

How long does Daxxify last?

On average, Daxxify lasts six months, but may last as long as nine months for some patients.

What is the recovery time?

There is no significant recovery time associated with Daxxify injections. Patients should use caution but can return to work immediately. They may want to avoid bending over for a few hours and refrain from strenuous activities for the rest of the day. By the next day, patients can fully return to their everyday routine.

Why Choose Allure Esthetic for Daxxify Frown Line Treatment in Seattle?

Daxxify is the newest generation of neuromodulator treatment and offers patients the longest-lasting results available for a medication of its kind. Injected by experienced injectors—who teach future injectors proper techniques and application—Daxxify in Seattle is best performed at Allure Esthetic.

How Much Does Daxxify Cost in Seattle?

The Daxxify cost in Seattle will vary based on the number of units needed as well as the specific treatments performed. Patients can view our preliminary pricing on our price list and will receive a customized price quote at their consultation appointment.

Daxxify Injectable Neurotoxin In Seattle

To learn more and schedule your Daxxify consultation, call us at 206-209-0988. Patients can also reach out online via chat, contact form, and Price Simulator.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get other Injectables in the same area?

It depends. If treating frown lines, likely the answer is no. Fillers are not used in the glabella area and other neuromodulators are not used following Daxxify. However, if using Daxxify to address bunny lines, a patient could likely undergo a non-surgical rhinoplasty without too much issue.

How often will I need to get Daxxify injections?

This will vary based on how quickly the medication wears off for you. On average, patients refresh their Daxxify twice per year.

What is the aftercare of Daxxify?

There is little aftercare necessary following Daxxify injections in Seattle. But, patients may follow certain aftercare protocols such as:

  • Skip any harsh skincare serums for the rest of the day (no retinol or similar)
  • Be gentle washing your face and do not unnecessarily touch the treatment area
  • Keep the treated area protected from sun exposure
  • Avoid alcohol for the rest of the day
  • Do not lie down for at least a few hours
  • Do not bend down for three to four hours
  • Keep physical activity to a minimum

Can I exercise after daxxify?

Exercise—while not necessarily detrimental to Daxxify results—can worsen side effects and potentially affect the spread of the medication. Therefore, your normal activities such as walking or being on your feet at work are likely fine, but any intensive workouts should wait until the next day.

What not to do after daxxify?

There are few restrictions associated with Daxxify treatment; though this may vary based on a patient’s medical history. Patients will want to avoid drinking and smoking after Daxxify treatment. They should also avoid movements that could cause unwanted spreading of the medication or worsened side effects.

Can I get a facial after daxxify?

Patients should wait at least one to two weeks before undergoing any other treatment including additional injections not performed at the same time and facials.

How many units of daxxify do i need

Forty units is generally considered the minimum treatment for Daxxify.

Allure Esthetic Plastic Surgery

(206) 209-0988

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