As previously mentioned, the rain facial and the Make It Rain package is highly customizable. Therefore, each facials package will look slightly different when performed by a master esthetician at Allure Esthetic Plastic Surgery.
Consultation With A Master Esthetician
Beginning your Seattle facials protocol starts with a consultation with a master esthetician. At the consultation, you and your master esthetician will review your skin goals, relevant medical history, and discuss your options. The consultation may also include a physical examination of your skin.
If your master esthetician determines that you are a good candidate for the Make It Rain facial, they can discuss the customization options. In many cases, your first rain facial can be performed during the same appointment.
Your Personalized Facials Seattle
Each facial is customized to fit your needs. In general, we offer two different types of rain facial: the tsunami facial and monsoon facial. The tsunami rain facial focuses on hydration and moisturization. The monsoon rain facial targets the signs of aging. Each type of rain facial utilizes the following features of the rain facial:
Tsunami Rain Facial:
- Microdermabrasion
- Ultrasonic treatment
- Red light therapy
Monsoon Rain Facial:
- Microdermabrasion
- Lymphatic drainage
- Skin scrubber treatment
- Red light therapy
Your master esthetician will likely make customizations to your rain facial to treat your skin concerns. Each feature of the rain facial is designed to address specific skin concerns.
During the dermaplaning procedure, your master esthetician will glide a surgical blade along the surface of your skin to remove dead skin. No other chemicals or other agents are added during the procedure.
If you choose the enzyme peel for your final procedure, your master esthetician will spread the peel carefully across your face. Once the peel is fully applied and set, they will remove it before you leave the office.
Finally, if you opt for the zombie laser peel, your master esthetician will spread carbon lotion on your face. Using a laser, they will then remove the lotion to lightly resurface the skin.
The procedures are spaced roughly two to three weeks apart and the entire package takes around three to four months to complete the entire package. This allows your skin to gain the full effects of each treatment before undergoing the next one. The gaps are still small enough to facilitate skin improvement and prevent build-up from reoccurring quickly between treatments.
After The Make It Rain Facials Package
Following the Make It Package, your skin will likely carry a noticeable glow. With non-invasive treatments and little risk of irritation, you can continue with your normal skincare routine and everyday activities.
The glow and immediate results after the Make It Rain package usually last around a week. Due to the curated and consistent treatment regimen, however, the long lasting skin improvements may last for months. Depending on your goals and skin, your master esthetician may recommend maintenance rain facials every few months.