DISCLAIMER- Results may not be typical. All surgical and non-surgical results are subject to the individualities of patients and the normal variability of clinical procedure results. Photographs may have been modified from their original version and may have been enhanced, including but not limited to lighting, cropping, and removal of personal identifying information such as tattoos, scars, body (or body part) size, implant position, implant size, nipple position, nipple size and other body morphology.
Breast Augmentation Revision Gallery

This is a 34 year old woman who previous to meeting Dr. Sajan had undergone 600ML moderate profile saline implants through a periareolar approach 6 years ago. She wanted softer implants and did not want to have a periaerolar approach again since her previous surgery caused her to have temporary loss of sensation in her nipples. She desired a minimally invasive approach through a transaxillary(armpit) incision. She consulted numerous plastic surgeons and they told her it was not possible to do a revision via a minimally invasive approach and they all wanted to make an incision on her breast. She consulted Dr. Sajan and he said he would be able to perform a minimally invasive transaxiallry revision breast augmentation. She had 800ML high profile Mentor silicon implants placed via an armpit incision without any incisions placed on her breasts.